No extra long t-shirts or hoodies that hang below pockets.
No excessively low or baggy pants/shorts such that a person's undergarments or buttocks are exposed.
No athletic style pants/shorts (sweats, nylons, joggers, etc.)
No sleeveless undershirts, no cut-off shirts, no jerseys. Fashionable tank tops are permitted.
No large chains.
No clothing that management considers vulgar, offensive or otherwise likely to cause a disturbance.
No motorcycle club or gang affiliation displays of any kind.
Sandals and flip flops are permitted, but not recommended.
Footwear must be worn at all times. ​
No outside food or beverages.
No large bags, backpacks, suitcases or gym bags after 6:00pm. ​
Management reserves the right to deny admission to anyone suspected to be intoxicated or deemed likely to cause a disturbance or for any other reason at its sole discretion.
Come Work with us!
Find out more here.
Interested in a career at Nudie's Honky Tonk?

409 Broadway
Nashville, TN 37203
Located in the heart of
downtown Nashville between
4th & 5th Ave
10:00am - 3:00am daily
Kitchen closes at 10:00pm
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